My WHY is pretty damn simple.

I'm on a mission to make badass entrepreneurs and visionary trailblazers the rockstars of their industries. Your brand isn't just a story; it's a saga waiting to be told, and I'm here to give it the epic visuals & strategy it deserves.

what’s poppin’ it’s ya girl, Carol!

with a keen eye for the extraordinary and a strategic mindset, I craft images and strategies that speak volumes. Your journey to an iconic brand starts right here, and I'm thrilled to be the visionary behind it all.


Badass Entrepreneur
Strong-willed leaders unapologetically showcasing their power in the business world.

Visionary Trailblazer
Entrepreneurs eager to pioneer a brand that stands out and disrupts their industry.

Ambitious Go Getter
Hardworking baddie who recognizes the value of earning success and want visuals that reflect their grind.

Brand Evolution Enthusiast
Biz owners committed to evolving their brand from 'good' to 'unforgettable' through powerful visuals.

Social Media Maverick
Entrepreneurs serious about dominating social media and increasing online exposure with captivating brand content.

Risk Taker
You’ve got a killer idea for a dope business, and you need help bringing the visual and strategy aspect to life.

you’d call yourself a…

Crafting visual legends & coaching iconic transformations since

I’m the gal for you if you need someone to tell you what looks good, and more importantly, when something looks WHACK.
I’ll never leave you hangin’ with fly aways, lipstick on your teeth, weird gremlin hands or seven chins. When it comes to shoot day, i’m right there on the floor with you SHOWING you poses, getting on the floor with you and busting out some sick asf dance moves at the same time.
On shoot day I am your photographer, your stylist, your hype woman (seriously, ask everyone), your DJ and your biggest GD fan.


the podcast for confident ass women who would rather ROCK the boat than ride the wave.

where we don’t just fake it til we make it, we fake it til we fuccin’ become it.